Boost Your Fleet’s Efficiency with APU for Sale

Are you looking for a cost-effective way to boost your fleet’s efficiency? APUs for sale may be the answer you’ve been searching for! Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) are an ideal solution for businesses looking to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. APUs provide an independent source of electricity, allowing fleets to reduce emissions and save on fuel. Not only do they offer increased efficiency, but APUs can also provide a reliable source of power for your fleet. With an APU for sale, you can ensure that your vehicles are running smoothly and that your fleet is operating at peak efficiency. Investing in an APU for sale can help your business save money, improve fuel economy, and increase the longevity of your fleet. Take the time to explore the benefits of an APU for sale and see how it can benefit your business today.truck

What is an APU and how does it work?

An APU, or Auxiliary Power Unit, is a small, self-contained device that provides electricity to a vehicle when the main engine is not running. It is typically used in commercial vehicles, such as trucks and buses, to power auxiliary functions like heating, cooling, and lighting.

APUs are designed to be highly efficient and compact, making them a valuable addition to any fleet. They typically run on diesel fuel, which is more cost-effective than using the main engine to power these auxiliary functions. This not only saves on fuel costs but also reduces emissions, making APUs an environmentally friendly solution. The operation of an APU is relatively simple. It consists of a small diesel engine, a generator, and a control system. When the vehicle is not in motion, the APU engine starts up and generates electricity. This electricity is then used to power the auxiliary functions of the vehicle. The APU can also charge the vehicle’s batteries, ensuring that they are always fully charged and ready to go.

Overall, an APU is an essential component for any fleet looking to increase efficiency and reduce operating costs. By providing a reliable source of power, APUs ensure that the fleet is always running smoothly. Additionally, they offer cost-saving benefits by reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Invest in an APU for sale today and experience the improved efficiency and cost savings for your fleet.


Cost-saving benefits of APUs

When it comes to running a fleet of vehicles, reducing operating costs is always a top priority. That’s where APUs come in. One of the major benefits of investing in an APU for sale is the significant cost savings it can bring to your business. First and foremost, APUs reduce fuel consumption. By using a separate engine to power the auxiliary functions of your vehicles, such as heating, cooling, and lighting, your main engine can remain off while your fleet is parked. This means that fuel is not wasted unnecessarily, resulting in lower fuel costs for your business.

In addition to fuel savings, APUs also contribute to a longer lifespan for your fleet. By reducing the hours of operation on your main engine, wear and tear are minimized, resulting in reduced maintenance and repair costs. This not only saves you money in the long run but also keeps your fleet running smoothly and on the road for longer periods of time.

Furthermore, APUs are environmentally friendly, which can lead to additional cost savings. With reduced fuel consumption comes reduced emissions. This not only benefits the environment but can also lead to potential tax credits or incentives for operating a greener fleet. In conclusion, investing in an APU for sale offers significant cost-saving benefits for your fleet. From reduced fuel consumption to lower maintenance and repair costs, an APU can help boost your fleet’s efficiency while keeping more money in your pocket. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to improve your bottom line and contribute to a greener future.


How Harmful Is Idling?

There are now 29 states with active idling law regulations in place. These laws are in
place for good reason, as idling for 10 seconds uses more fuel and produces more CO2 than
restarting your engine does! Over time and with an excessive number of vehicles on the road,
these emissions can wreak havoc on the environment. Running vehicles emit significant CO2
which is a colorless and odorless gas. What happens to the environment when more and more
CO2 is emitted is that heat becomes trapped. This is called the enhanced greenhouse effect.
Over time this can dramatically alter the earth’s climate.
Vehicles also produce volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, and oxides of
nitrogen. All of these gases are toxic and when produced in abundance are extremely harmful
to the environment. Something to consider when running a fleet of vehicles that may be idling
is the health of the drivers. The drivers have direct exposure to all of these harmful chemical
day after day while on the job. This can cause long-term health problems and increase costs for
your business, not to mention you want to protect your drivers at all cost.
Luckily, APU Center has an abundance of solutions that will not only save the health of
your drivers, but it will help save your bottom line as well. If you need assistance on selecting
the right APU for your fleet of vehicles we are happy to help. We have cost-saving solution tools
that will help you realize your total cost savings by making the switch. The best benefit to APU
usage is the health of the environment and the health of your drivers. It can be an initial
investment to your company upfront but will save you significantly long-term and the payback
happens quickly.idling


The Evolution of the APU

Auxiliary Power Units have been around for quite a long time, but it has taken hundreds of years to get to the APU for sale that you see today! You can’t beat the luxuries that APU’s are able to offer drivers and cost-savings they offer fleet management. But where did it all begin? During WWI, the British Coastal class blimps carried a 1.75 horsepower auxiliary engine. This engine powered a generator for a radio transmitter. The auxiliary engine could power the air blower in an emergency as well. One of the first military fixed-wing aircrafts to use an APU was the British aircraft named Supermarine Nighthawk. 

During WWII many American military aircrafts were now carrying APUs. These units became known as “putt-putts.” The putt-putt provided power for starting the main engines and was used until the aircraft reached 10,000 feet in the air. The putt-putt was also restarted when the plane prepared to descend for a safe landing. The first German jet engines in WWII used an APU starting system. This system was designed by Norber Riedel and had a 10 horsepower, 2-stroke flat engine hidden in the intake diverter. This was an excellent example of future auxiliary power units for starting a jet engine. 

The Boeing 727 in 1963 was the first jetliner to feature a gas turbine APU which allowed the aircraft to operate out of a smaller airport. It is important not to take for granted the increased technology we have readily available at our fingertips today. We have many options when it comes to an APU for sale that will save thousands in dollars as well as improve the comfort of every driver on the road. If you have any questions about our APUs for sale we would be happy to help.


Cost Saving Specialists

Both of our top producing models of both Dynasys and Carrier APU products are designed to savie you money every time they are in use. If you have been curious exactly how much money they will save you please visit our uniquely designed cost savings calculator here, Here you can find the exact breakdown of how and where you will exactly save a certain dollar amount. We are proud to offer new, used as well as refurbished Dynasys and Carrier APU products. 


Both brands have similar benefits in that they are intelligently designed and energy efficient – saving you even more money!  If you need help selecting the right model for your team please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Our skilled team of experts would be happy to help you find the perfect match. All of our models are also easy to maintain and offer fuel savings benefits in the long term. 


Not sure where to start? We recommend browsing the makes and models on our website that are updated daily. We are constantly reviewing and maintaining our inventory to be as up-to-date as possible for our customers both new and repeat. We are here to help you through the lifetime of owning your APU as we offer ongoing maintenance and repair services as well. If you find you need any kind of service repairs please just return to us for updates. Our technicians are experts at bringing your APU’s back to life in most any condition yspecialistou may have. 


Give us a call today to discuss what options and services might be the best for your unique situation. We’re always happy to help.


Caring for your Tires

Your tires are one of the main elements of your vehicle as they are what allows you to reach each destination. When it comes to maintaining your tires, here are a few tips that will help you to stay safe on the road. 


Have the right tires: Although it may sound basic, with so many different tires on the market, having the right one will make all the difference. Considering the load carry capacity, size, elements that may occur along the routes, etc are all factors that should be considered. Keeping up with regular maintenance and inspections assist in keeping high performance and safety.


Watch your speed: When you have found the right tire for your truck, make sure to have a clear understanding of the maximum speed rating. This is the number that drivers should go by, not necessarily what the highway speed limits are. Tire related accidents and dangers to the public can be avoided by drivers watching their speed, especially when sharing the road with other drivers. 


Tire Inspection: Drivers need to be hands on with every part of their truck and understand as much of it as possible. Tires need to be inspected for cuts, cracks, flat spotting and more. Although it may take time, doing this routinely will help keep you and others safe on the road.


Cold Inflation: Maintaining an even weight distribution can be difficult during changing weather conditions. Since tires change with cold and hot weather, they need to be checked during temperature fluctuations. Without the right inflation, tires can experience heavy tread damage which can only cause further problems. Experts say that cold inflation pressure is most accurately measured when tires have been parked for a minimum of three hours which gives the tires a chance to adjust resulting in the most accurate reading. 


Making sure that your truck is running at peak efficiency is what we do best. We offer new and refurbished APU’s both online and at our storefront which saves you time and money while on the road. We also carry evolution parts in our extensive inventory.


3 of the Longest Trucking Routes in the USA

Being a trucker comes with its own set of responsibilities and requirements but those that do long haul trucking are in their own category. These folks operate and take care of heavy trucks and also live life on the road. Here we are looking at several of the longest routes that long haul truckers take in the USA.


Interstate 90 has the unique characteristic of being the longest interstate freeway in the United States. Starting in Seattle, Washington, this route crosses into states like Montana, South Dakota, and Pennsylvania before ending in Boston, Massachusetts. Of course, you can always go the other way and start in Boston. To complete this route, drivers travel a total of about 3,020 mile. Along the way drivers will cross 2 famous floating bridges, the Homer Hadley Memorial Bridge and the Lacey V. Murrow Memorial Bridge in Washington.


Also ending or starting in Boston is the “Big Daddy” of roads. At a total of 3,365 miles, Boston to Newport, Oregon has a lot to see during the drive on Route 20. Along with beautiful views of nature, this coast to coast road is the longest highway in the nation. It is a road that is not only taken by truckers but also by those folks that love a hardcore road trip.

Living life on the road can be an isolating experience but the road on Route 50 has been labeled “the loneliest route in America,” and was given the title in 1986. Not much has changed since then and the route has long stretches of little to no people living in the areas that drivers cross. From Ocean City, Maryland to Sacramento, California, the roughly 3,010 miles is scenic for those that appreciate silence and peacefulness of the road.

However long you spend on the road, having the right APU can make a difference. We carry brands like Dynasys and Thermo King APUs to serve you while you are on the road. Stop idling and start saving time and money with the right APU for your truck.




Diesel vs Electric APUs

When it comes to choosing the right APU for your truck, there are a variety of factors to consider. You have already made the most important choice of installing an APU into your truck, which will save you time and money on the road. Determining if you are going to use a diesel or electric APU is the next step in the process. Here is a brief breakdown of both types so that you have a better understanding and can make the most informed decision depending on the type of trucking you do.


Diesel APUs are ideal for drivers who spend the majority of their time in either areas that are very cold or areas that are very hot. They are run by a small diesel engine that runs with the rest of your truck. They have more power than their electric counterparts and can therefore generally last longer than 10 hours, allowing for maximum rest time for drivers. More power also means that more electric parts can run while the truck is powered down without the fear of the APU running out of steam. On the downside, they require more preventative maintenance and more specific knowledge. The maintenance for a diesel APU needs to be kept up to avoid nasty consequences. They also need belt and oil changes to run at maximum efficiency.


On the other hand, electric APUs were designed for a different driver in mind. A driver who only spends a few nights in a row on the road may prefer an electric APU. This form was designed for moderate temperatures and for drivers who have the ability and time to recharge their APUs at home. While they may not require much additional maintenance, they still need batteries and an understanding of energy efficiency to make the most out of each charge.


Regardless of which type of APU you choose, just having one will make your job easier. Less idle time is not only better on fuel costs, but also on taking care of the truck in the long run. We carry parts for Thermo King APUs as part of our commitment to keeping you safe on the road.



What to Look for in Truck Driver Training Programs

There are many different programs out there that teach you how to drive a semi truck. They often assist you with learning the written materials as well so that you can pass both tests in order to get your Class A CDL. It is important to look into the qualifications of such truck driver training programs though. You want a quality program that is going to teach you valuable skills. It can be very dangerous to place new trainees into the workforce with a CDL when they don’t have sufficient training. You also want one that is affordable. Many of the accredited truck driver training programs offer financial aid to help assist with the cost of attendance. They will also work out payment plans to assist you with paying for the remainder or if you don’t qualify for any type of financial assistance.


There are many instances where you can get your truck driver training paid for by an employer. Still, you have to look closely at what they require in return. Most of them will require you to sign a contract that you will work for their company for a specified amount of time. If you are fired or voluntarily leave the company before that span of time you will be responsible for repaying the company for the cost of your training.


The length of the truck driver training program is very important too. Some of them claim that they can get you in and out in a couple of weeks. While this may seem appealing, keep in mind that there is plenty to learn about driving a semi truck. You don’t want to be rushed and you don’t want to be on the road on your own before you are ready. Find a program that is full time and is at least four weeks long.


Ask about the curriculum of the program so that you can see for yourself what information will be covered. You should also ask about class sizes so you can find out if you will be able to have your specific needs met by the program. Don’t be shy about asking about the qualifications of their instructors either. The more experience they have in the classroom and driving a semi truck, the more firsthand information they will be able to share with you.


It can be very exciting to learn how to drive a semi truck, and having your Class A CDL can open up many wonderful job opportunities for you. Selecting the right training program is essential for you to establish a solid foundation upon which to build. Knowing the basics of how to operate a semi truck, the rules of the road, hours of operation, and being safe should all be a part of any quality truck driving training program. Don’t settle for anything less since it may result in you not having the skills you need to succeed in this career.


Driving a semi requires a great deal of knowledge and experience. It also requires you to have a vehicle that is performing at peak efficiency so that you can handle unavoidable emergencies that can surprise even the most skilled driver. You can improve the efficiency of your truck with an auxiliary power unit (APU). An APU can help increase gas efficiency and reduce idling time. We sell APUs at a reasonable price and can even perform auxiliary power maintenance on your existing unit.



What are the Tax Deductions for Owner Operator Truck Drivers?

Filing taxes is never a pleasant event, but it is necessary. Most owner operators have a variety of expenses they incur during the course of their business that they can deduct. Taking these deductions means that you as an owner/operator could end up paying less income tax. Let’s look at some common deductions for truck drivers


First, you will be able to depreciate the value of your truck over the course of several years. The amount you can take depends on the purchase price of the equipment. If you sell a truck or trailer during the year you should know that you will have to count that as income because you have already taken some of the depreciation on the equipment. You should also be able to deduct the interest you pay on your truck payments and trailer payments. However, you aren’t allowed to deduct the actual payments.


Next, there are the tolls and fees for scales that truck drivers have to pay along their routes. These fees can be deducted as well. Make sure you keep track of what you pay for showers, truck parts, maintenance, and repairs. All of these items are deductible. You don’t need to keep your receipts for meals because the government gives you a per diem rate that you can claim. However, you do need to make sure you keep track of the number of days you are out on the road so that you can figure the deduction.


Clothing can’t be deducted unless it is specifically for work related services. For example, you can claim a bright orange vest and a hard hat that are required to be in a construction zone for which you may be delivering materials. However, you can’t claim your jeans, tennis shoes, and shirts because they aren’t considered to be a required uniform for work. You also can’t claim any traffic tickets or attorney fees you have to pay. Often, truck drivers try to deduct these expenses on their tax return. The result is they end up getting a bill from the IRS telling them they owe more money. Fuel is the most common expense that truck drivers incur. Make sure you keep a close eye on those receipts because each one will likely be worth $100 or more. Losing these different receipts can really add up during the course of a year, and that means you will have to pay more income tax.


Just be careful that you understand that there is a line between what is necessary vs. what is a luxury. Also, consult a tax professional if you have any doubts as to what you can deduct. If you are seeking a way to make your trips more fuel efficient, consider an auxiliary power unit. We sell these fuel saving devices and specialize in auxiliary power unit maintenance.



Hybrid Semi Trucks

As the cost of fuel often fluctuates, things can become difficult for most drivers. If you own a trucking company or you are an owner operator, you feel the hit at the pumps more than anyone due to the amount of fuel that semi trucks need to operate. Therefore the idea of hybrid semi trucks has been in the works for quite some time as one way to offset high fuel prices for truck drivers and to reduce their impact on the environment.
Some of the first tests with hybrid trucks were done using vehicles from the United States military. Peterbilt is considered to be a quality brand of semi truck, and was the first to introduce hybrid semi truck models. They were first available for viewing in 2008 at various truck shows. Kenworth is another very reputable brand of semi truck, and they have also developed hybrid semi truck models of their own. They presented some of their models at truck shows as early as 2007.
It is estimated that over-the-road hybrid semi trucks can save the driver or the company at least $10,000 annually. This is quite a significant amount of additional profit for any owner operator. For those trucking companies with thousands of trucks, these savings can quickly add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars on annual fuel costs.
Some people remain skeptical about the use of hybrid semi trucks, but for the most part the trucking industry is excited about these vehicles. This particular type of semi truck significantly impacts the trucking industry as we know it today. While these hybrid semi trucks cost more than regular trucks, the amount of money that can be saved on fuel costs make them a great investment.
With so many semi trucks on the road, the positive impact that hybrid semi trucks will have on the environment are very encouraging as well. If you are interested in learning more about the future of hybrid semi trucks, you can visit the Peterbilt or the Kenworth websites. In the meantime, another way to increase fuel efficiency if you do not own a hybrid semi is by using an auxiliary power unit.

We sell APUs and specialize in auxiliary power maintenance.


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