Team Truck Driving

The life of a trucker can be quite lonely. While an APU can provide all the comforts of
home when it comes to air conditioning, cell phone charging, and so much more, it cannot
provide companionship. Many truckers and trucking companies opt to allow for team truck
driving. This is when two drivers travel together and take turns behind the wheel. This process
can actually lead to increased efficiency and a greater sense of workplace satisfaction. For the
trucking company is allows the truck to keep moving while continuing to follow the hours of
service regulations. The company ends up paying for the total miles driven and that sum is
divided amongst the two drivers. Below are a few things to consider if you are considering team
truck driving.
 Can you trust your driving partner: There are many reasons why you will need to have
complete trust in your driving partner. For one, you will need to be able to feel you can
get restful sleep while they are driving and vice versa.
 Comfortable sharing space: The cab of your truck and general living area offers very
tight quarters. You will want to make sure that you can comfortably share a space with
this other person. This is one of the main reasons that driving partners tend to be
husband/wife teams or other combinations of family members.
 Compromise: The two of you will need to decide how the day is divided up. For
example, you will need to agree who drives first, for how long, how many stops you take
and where, etc.
 Benefit from company: Are you someone who feels they will benefit from company on
the road or do you prefer a solo drive? Most people find that they will benefit from
shared usage of their APU and drive in general.

semi truck

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